Recent Post By Lable

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chemistry O level Presentations

The following are interactive flash presentation by Board Works that makes chemistry a fun and super easy to learn. Further many of these presentation allows you to have quizzes to check your learning.

1. Ammonia and Reversible Reactions 

1. Reversible and irreversible reactions with examples
2. Haber Process
4. Flash Experiments

2. Catalytic Converter

How can air pollution be reduced?
How can vehicle pollution be reduced?
How can coal be made cleaner?
Working of Catalytic Convertor

3. CFCs and Alcohols


What are CFCs?
Why are CFCs a problem?
What are alcholos?
How is ethanol made?
Use of alchohols

4. The Atmosphere and Environment

What is the atmosphere made of?
What is Air Pollution ?
Causes and effects of air pollutants
What is acid rain?
Acid rain animation
Reducing acid rain
Green House Effect
Global Warming

About Ameer Hamza

Ameer Hamza is a young blogger who blogs with the aim to bring a positive change in the society through his writings. He intends to create a platform where people can share their ideas.
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1 comment:

  1. Scrambled 10Panx, scrambled version of 10panx, is a Panx-1 mimetic inhibitory peptide that blocks pannexin-1 gap junctions. Scrambled?10Panx


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